17 Signs That Indicate You May Have Diabetes

17 Signs That Indicate You May Have Diabetes
17 Signs That Indicate You May Have Diabetes

We like to talk about those symptoms at the water cooler – “Man, I’m tired!”
And if diabetes is manageable, it can shorten your life considerably.

It can also increase your risk of blindness, heart attack, and even the loss of a foot. See our complete list of signs that lead to diabetes and do the math: a visit to the doctor may be warranted.


Of course, there are many things that cause fatigue, including the simplest explanation, which is that you’re not getting enough sleep. But fatigue almost always accompanies diabetes because the body tries and fails to use the fuel that is put into the body.

If you find that you are very tired after eating, when you should have more energy, it is a vital sign that diabetes may be present.

Excessive hunger and thirst

What happens is that the body is overwhelmed with the task of processing the glucose in your blood. Water is extracted from the cells in an attempt to remove the excess, but in the process, all the important nutrients your body needs, including glucose itself, are lost.

The outcome is a pattern of parchedness and craving that eating and drinking all the more just propagates.

Frequent urination

As water is extracted from all available cells to remove excess glucose, the kidneys are overwhelmed trying to filter and reabsorb it. This means that you go running to the bathroom much more than usual to eliminate the build-up.

All that peeing can leave the body very dehydrated, not to mention exhausted, because it’s a 24/7 problem that affects your ability to sleep through the night.

Yeast infections

occur most often in vaginal tissue, but men are not completely immune! Yeast benefits from an abundance of sugar, which can be emitted in sweat, pee, and bodily fluid.

As a result, yeast infections are found almost everywhere on the skin, especially in areas that tend to trap moisture. Combined with a weakened immune system, yeast can be difficult to control in diabetic patients.


Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction in men with uncontrolled diabetes is probably due to damage to nerves and blood vessels. Although it is embarrassing to talk about it, erectile dysfunction affects both the person with diabetes and his partner.

The last thing you need when you’re already feeling unhappy with uncontrolled diabetes is probably an unhappy relationship with your partner, so put the discomfort aside and talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

Blurred vision

Diabetes causes blurred vision because your eyes depend on the fluid around them to function properly. A dehydrated lens becomes deformed and has trouble focusing. This condition is often resolved with good diabetes management.

However, if left untreated, diabetes also causes nerve damage. When new vessels at the back of the eye try to form over damaged vessels, this can lead to permanent blindness.

Slow-healing wounds

Have you noticed any cuts or sores that do not disappear? Unless you’ve been attacking them, slow healing can indicate diabetes.
Not exclusively is your body’s recuperating framework bargained in its push to oust overabundance of glucose, however numerous entrepreneurial diseases like to benefit from sugar and exploit its accessibility.

Unexplained weight loss

Being able to eat as much as you want while losing weight seems like a dream, doesn’t it? In fact, it’s more like a nightmare because your body can’t get fuel from the food you eat and instead burns fat to survive.

This is not sustainable over the long term, and it’s a sign that diabetes is starving you to death, no matter how much you eat.

Nausea and vomiting

When uncontrolled diabetes leads to rapid weight loss, your body burns fat at an unsustainable rate. This process creates ketones, which can accumulate in your blood at dangerous levels and lead to a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Ketones cause sickness and in any event, heaving in individuals with delicate stomachs.

Painful or numb feet and legs

Diabetes causes hardening of the arteries as well as nerve damage, and these symptoms are most noticeable in the feet and legs.

Poor circulation and nerve damage combined can lead to skin ulcers or infections that take a very long time to heal, and because there may also be numbness, you may not realize how much pain your feet are in.


Swollen or tender gums

Because of its moist environment, its sharp teeth surrounded by soft tissue, and all the objects that are put in it daily, the mouth is particularly susceptible to infection.

Seek immediate help if your gums are loose, if they pull out of your teeth, or if pockets of pus form. (We probably didn’t need to tell you this last part).

Breath that smells funny

Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is common among diabetics because they are prone to infections. Inflamed and infected gums cause bad breath and can also affect the metabolism, further increasing blood sugar levels.

Another source of bad breath related to diabetes comes from ketoacidosis. High levels of ketones in the blood are linked to a sweet, fruity smell on the breath.

Frequent urinary tract infections

There is no way to ignore an ICU when you have one. It’s like pissing fire… or small knives. One of the reasons that diabetics are prone to these painful infections is poor circulation, which makes it harder for white blood cells to get to the infected area.

High blood sugar also increases the risk of infections in general and increases the overall volume of urine. All this sweet fluid in the bladder becomes a breeding ground for infections.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This disease is one of the main causes of infertility in women who suffer from it, and unfortunately, it also frequently leads to insulin resistance.

Your doctor will likely recommend a host of lifestyle changes once you are diagnosed with PCOS.

Darkening of the skin

Officially called acanthosis nigricans, this symptom is manifested by a darkening and thickening of the skin, especially in the folds. Sometimes the dark skin is slightly raised and velvety in texture. Most often, it is found under the armpits, in the neck, groin, or under the breasts.

Doctors consider acanthosis nigricans to be an indication of diabetes and it is thought to be related to insulin resistance.

Chronic Dehydration

Dehydration occurs because high blood glucose levels cause your body to draw water from the cells and cannot replenish it properly. The need to constantly pee then completely removes this water from your system.

Dehydration is a serious problem that can kill, and at lower levels, it contributes to all kinds of other problems, including dry skin, poor vision, and painful joints.


Because the symptoms of diabetes can be vague and seemingly unrelated, they can trigger unpleasant emotions that begin to become the main concern.

From exhaustion caused by cell deprivation to decreased sex life due to erectile dysfunction or recurrent yeast/bladder infections, it is clear that irritability and depression can result from uncontrolled diabetes.

Dealing with your actual well-being can do a ton to improve your emotional well-being.
The disease can be controlled, and even cured if detected early enough. And if your tests are conclusive, you’ll have gained valuable peace of mind. Make the call today. Your body, brain, and sexual coexistence will be much obliged.



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